Beach clean up on 21 June 2009

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  • #637
    Martin Williams

    Had a clean-up of Coral Beach [Tung Wan Tsai], Cheung Chau, on 21 June. Below are some photos, plus video, from the event – when a great team of volunteers arrived, made fair impact, yet still left much to do. "It was like trying to clean up a landfill," one of the participants told me!


    How many people join this event?


    How many people join this event?

    Martin Williams

    We didn’t come up with final total, I think.

    Well over thirty I believe.

    Martin Williams

    We didn’t come up with final total, I think.

    Well over thirty I believe.

    Martin Williams

    Here are some shots from the clean-up:

    beach clean-up before shot No shortage of lap sap as we began! Indeed, the tideline was far from the worst area; most rubbish was at the top of the beach, and strewn among vegetation just above the sand.

    beach lap sap bagsbeach cleaners

    Loads of bags filled, mostly with polystyrene; govt Food n Hygiene Dept later sent a boat to collect the bags.

    Even so, plenty of rubbish remained on the beach; more would arrive, esp with easterles.

    More clean-ups likely; but also need less lap sap in the sea – inc less dumping of polystyrene boxes used by fishermen and others.

    Here’s some video I took:


    Martin Williams

    Here are some shots from the clean-up:

    beach clean-up before shot No shortage of lap sap as we began! Indeed, the tideline was far from the worst area; most rubbish was at the top of the beach, and strewn among vegetation just above the sand.

    beach lap sap bagsbeach cleaners

    Loads of bags filled, mostly with polystyrene; govt Food n Hygiene Dept later sent a boat to collect the bags.

    Even so, plenty of rubbish remained on the beach; more would arrive, esp with easterles.

    More clean-ups likely; but also need less lap sap in the sea – inc less dumping of polystyrene boxes used by fishermen and others.

    Here’s some video I took:


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