Photo time at Kwan Kung Pavilion

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  • #604
    Martin Williams

    It's early spring, and in the small garden at Kwan Kung Pavilion on Peak Road (near the Sports Ground) there are trees, shrubs and other plants in bloom.


    kwan yung temple photography

    This, in turn, is drawing photographers – it seems taking flower shots here is an annual ritual for photographers on Cheung Chau.

    Martin Williams

    kwan yung photograaphy march 08

    A year later, and once again the blossoms at Kwan Yung Pavilion are drawing photographers. 

    Martin Williams

    kwan yung photograaphy march 08

    A year later, and once again the blossoms at Kwan Yung Pavilion are drawing photographers. 

    Martin Williams

    A few years on, and the blooms are again popular with photographers – including taking shots of white-eyes attracted by nectar in the flowers.


    Martin Williams

    A few years on, and the blooms are again popular with photographers – including taking shots of white-eyes attracted by nectar in the flowers.


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